For Participants > Agenda


Brief Agenda



The course has a minimum 15 people requirement for $300 USD each.


Complete Agenda




Presentation Requirements


★ Oral presentation


Length of presentation material should be in accordance with your time assigned as follows;

Keynote Presentation:It is allotted 20 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for Q and A period following each talk.

Invited Presentation:It is allotted 10 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for Q and A period following each talk.

Oral Presentation:It is allotted 8 minutes, with an additional 2 minutes for Q and A period following each talk.

Late new papers are allotted 6 minutes, with an additional 2 minutes Q and A period.

The Session Chairperson will introduce speaker and moderate Q and A period.

Presentation material is to be concise, succinct, and clearly understood.


★ Poster presentation (60 minutes


No limitation on poster format, but each poster should include the paper title, authors, affiliation, and paper number. It must fit within A1 (594 mm x 841 mm) space.


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