Keynote Speakers
Prof. George Angelov

George Angelov – Associate Professor, PhD in Microelectronics, Master of Science in Physics

Areas of expertise: modeling of semiconductor devices, design of integrated circuits and printed circuit boards, advanced materials, bioelectronics, renewable energy sources, electromobility.

Education. Master in Physics from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (1999). Specialization "Business Management" in Japan (2001). PhD in Microelectronics, topic "Modeling of submicron microelectronics structures", Technical University of Sofia (2008). Training for managers in "Cluster Management" by Harvard Business School (2016).

Career. Design and modeling engineer in Technology Center - Institute of Microelectronics (1999). PhD student in the Technical University of Sofia (TUS) (2003-2006), assistant professor (2007), associate professor (2013), deputy chair of Department of Microelectronics (2014), chair of Department of Microelectronics, FETT (2015-by now); member of the Academic Council of TUS (2006 and 2018-by now), Director of Information and Public Relations (2020-by now).

Experience in the industry. Founder and manager of R&D company (2006-2020), Head of MINOLab in Sofia Tech Park (2016-by now), Chairman of the Managing Board of Cluster of Microelectronics and Industrial Electronics Systems (2017-by now).

Scoring. Author and co-author of 104 papers (in Scopus: papers - 53, citations - 94, h-index - 5), 4 books, 1 textbook, participation in 33 national and international projects; in Who's Who in the World (2009). Lecturer of 5 electronics courses in TUS; delivered lectures in University of Genoa (Italy), University of Aveiro (Portugal), Southampton Solent University (UK), etc.; supervisor of 7 PhD students, of which 2 successfully graduated PhD student; supervisor of over 60 successfully graduated bachelor and master students.

Business. Managed 3 companies since 2003: 1) a company providing translation and interpreting services (2003-2013) and desktop publishing (DTP) services (2008-2014) - a 6-year DTP project of magazine series for the Bulgarian market as a subcontractor to the Italian publishing house DeAgostini; 2) design of solar energy installations (land and roof) - 7 designed sites (2009-2011), two of which commissioned and operational; 3) energy efficiency auditing of buildings and industrial installations - over 30 buildings and 10 industrial installations (2010-2017).

Expertise. Modeling of semiconductor devices with submicron and nano dimensions (compact modeling); microelectronics (VLSI) and nanotechnologies and their applications in energy industry, RES, energy efficiency; advanced materials; business management and project management; scientific entrepreneurship; public relations.

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