For Participants > Agenda


According to the cooperation of local institution and hotel, the "Check in Service" of Brief Program will be amended probably before Mar. 18, 2021.


Brief Program



Please confirm the presentation time and order; contact the office mailbox before 24 March if you have any questions.

The Advanced Program will be announced in the next week (March 22, 2021).





The attended number and price for each short course must have 15 person (no less) and USD 300 per course and head.



Presentation Rule


Oral presentation


Length of presentation material should be in accordance with your time assigned as follows;

Keynote PresentationIt is allotted 20 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for Q and A period following each talk.

Invited PresentationIt is allotted 10 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for Q and A period following each talk.

Oral PresentationIt is allotted 8 minutes, with an additional 2 minutes for Q and A period following each talk.

Late new papers are allotted 6 minutes, with an additional 2 minutes Q and A period.

The Session Chairperson will introduce speaker and moderate Q and A period.

Due time is strongly encouraged.

Presentation material is to be concise, succinct, and clearly understood.


Poster presentation 60 minutes


We do not specify the poster format, but each poster should include the paper title, authors, affiliation, and paper number and must fit within A1 (594 mm x 841 mm) space.


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